Name NASA’s Next Mars Rover!

August 27, 2019

The Mars 2020 Rover is preparing to launch to the Red Planet in July 2020, but it doesn’t have a name yet. We’re asking K-12 students across the United States to send in essays with their best name ideas by Nov. 1, 2019.

Name NASA’s Next Mars Rover!


(Bekah S. Siegfriedt] Hey kids! NASA needs your help. We’re getting ready to send our newest rover to Mars. It’s going to look for signs of ancient life and help us get ready to send astronauts some day.


(Bekah S. Siegfriedt) The only problem? It doesn’t have a name yet.

What would you name the rover?

(JPL Employee #1] Um…

(JPL Employee #2) Hmm…

(JPL Employee #3) Um…

(JPL Employee #4) I have no idea.

(JPL Employee #5) No idea.

(JPL Employee #6) Gotta come up with something good for this one.

(Bekah S. Siegfriedt) All of NASA’s robot explorers have their own missions, personalities and names that fit them and tell their story. We can’t wait to hear your ideas and read your essays to name the rover.


[Submit your essay:]